Tap S3 CSV

Extracting data from S3 in CSV file format is straightforward. You need to have access to an S3 bucket and the tap will download every CSV file that matches the configured file pattern. It’s tracking the Last-Modified timestamp on the S3 objects to incrementally download only the new or updated files.


Every column in the csv files will be interpreted as string.


Authentication Methods

  • Profile based authentication: This is the default authentication method. Credentials taken from the AWS_PROFILE environment variable or the default AWS profile, that’s available on the host where PipelineWise is running. To use another profile set the aws_profile parameter. This method requires the presence of ~/.aws/credentials file on the host.

  • Credentials based authentication: To provide fixed credentials set aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and optionally the aws_session_token parameters.

    Optionally the credentials can be vault-encrypted in the YAML. Please check Encrypting Passwords for further details.

  • IAM role based authentication: When no credentials and no AWS profile is given nor found on the host, PipelineWise will resort to use the IAM role attached to the host.

Configuring what to replicate

PipelineWise configures every tap with a common structured YAML file format. A sample YAML for S3 CSV replication can be generated into a project directory by following the steps in the Generating Sample Pipelines section.

Example YAML for tap-s3-csv:


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id: "csv_on_s3"                        # Unique identifier of the tap
name: "Sample CSV files on S3"          # Name of the tap
type: "tap-s3-csv"                     # !! THIS SHOULD NOT CHANGE !!
owner: "somebody@foo.com"              # Data owner to contact
#send_alert: False                     # Optional: Disable all configured alerts on this tap
#slack_alert_channel: "#tap-channel"   # Optional: Sending a copy of specific tap alerts to this slack channel

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source (Tap) - S3 connection details
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Profile based authentication
  aws_profile: "<AWS_PROFILE>"                  # AWS profile name, if not provided, the AWS_PROFILE environment
                                                # variable or the 'default' profile will be used, if not
                                                # available, then IAM role attached to the host will be used.

  # Credentials based authentication
  #aws_access_key_id: "<ACCESS_KEY>"            # Plain string or vault encrypted. Required for non-profile based auth. If not provided, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable will be used.
  #aws_secret_access_key: "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"  # Plain string or vault encrypted. Required for non-profile based auth. If not provided, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable will be used.
  #aws_session_token: "<AWS_SESSION_TOKEN>"     # Optional: Plain string or vault encrypted. If not provided, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable will be used.

  #aws_endpoint_url: "<FULL_ENDPOINT_URL>"      # Optional: for non AWS S3, for example https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com

  bucket: "my-bucket"                           # S3 Bucket name
  start_date: "2000-01-01"                      # File before this data will be excluded
  fastsync_parallelism: <int>                   # Optional: size of multiprocessing pool used by FastSync
                                                #           Min: 1
                                                #           Default: number of CPU cores

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Destination (Target) - Target properties
# Connection details should be in the relevant target YAML file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
target: "snowflake"                       # ID of the target connector where the data will be loaded
batch_size_rows: 20000                    # Batch size for the stream to optimise load performance
stream_buffer_size: 0                     # In-memory buffer size (MB) between taps and targets for asynchronous data pipes
default_target_schema: "s3_feeds"         # Target schema where the data will be loaded
default_target_schema_select_permission:  # Optional: Grant SELECT on schema and tables that created
  - grp_power
# primary_key_required: False             # Optional: in case you want to load tables without key
                                          #            properties, uncomment this. Please note
                                          #            that files without primary keys will not
                                          #            be de-duplicated and could cause
                                          #            duplicates. Always try selecting
                                          #            a reasonable key from the CSV file
#batch_wait_limit_seconds: 3600           # Optional: Maximum time to wait for `batch_size_rows`. Available only for snowflake target.

# Options only for Snowflake target
#archive_load_files: False                      # Optional: when enabled, the files loaded to Snowflake will also be stored in `archive_load_files_s3_bucket`
#archive_load_files_s3_prefix: "archive"        # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in the archive S3 bucket under this prefix.
#archive_load_files_s3_bucket: "<BUCKET_NAME>"  # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in this bucket. (Default: the value of `s3_bucket` in target snowflake YAML)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source to target Schema mapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - source_schema: "s3_feeds" # This is mandatory, but can be anything in this tap type
    target_schema: "s3_feeds" # Target schema in the destination Data Warehouse

    # List of CSV files to destination tables

      # Every file in S3 bucket that matches the search pattern will be loaded into this table
      - table_name: "feed_file_one"
          search_pattern: "^feed_file_one_.*.csv$" # Required.
          search_prefix: ""                        # Optional
          key_properties: ["id"]                   # Optional
          delimiter: ","                           # Optional. Default: ','

        # OPTIONAL: Load time transformations
        #  - column: "last_name"            # Column to transform
        #    type: "SET-NULL"               # Transformation type

      # You can add as many tables as you need...
      - table_name: "feed_file_two"
          search_pattern: "^feed_file_tow_.csv$"