Tap Github

Configure your GitHub account

You need to create a GitHub access token to extract data from the Github API. Login to your GitHub account, go to the Personal Access Tokens settings page, and generate a new token with at least the repo scope. Save this access token, you’ll need it for the next step.

Configuring what to extract

PipelineWise configures every tap with a common structured YAML file format. A sample YAML for GitHub replication can be generated into a project directory by following the steps in the Generating Sample Pipelines section.

Example YAML for tap-github:


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id: "github"                           # Unique identifier of the tap
name: "Github"                         # Name of the tap
type: "tap-github"                     # !! THIS SHOULD NOT CHANGE !!
owner: "somebody@foo.com"              # Data owner to contact
sync_period: "*/90 * * * *"            # Period in which the tap will run
#send_alert: False                     # Optional: Disable all configured alerts on this tap
#slack_alert_channel: "#tap-channel"   # Optional: Sending a copy of specific tap alerts to this slack channel

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source (Tap) - Github connection details
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  access_token: "<ACCESS_TOKEN>"            # Github access token with at least the repo scope
  organization: "gnome"                     # The organization you want to extract the data from
                                            # Required when repos_include/repository isn't present
                                            # OR
                                            # Required when repos_exclude contains wildcard matchers
                                            # OR
                                            # Required when repos_include/repository contains wildcard matchers
  repos_include: "gnome* polari"            # Allow list strategy to extract selected repos data from organization.
                                            # Each repo path should be space delimited.
                                            # Supports wildcard matching
                                            # Values also valid: singer-io/tap-github another-org/tap-octopus
                                            # Org prefix not allowed when organization is present
  repos_exclude: "*tests* api-docs"         # Deny list to extract all repos from organization except the ones listed.
                                            # Each repo path should be space delimited.
                                            # Supports wildcard matching
                                            # Requires organization
                                            # Org prefix not allowed in repos_exclude
  repository: "gnome/gnome-software"        # (DEPRECATED) Path to one or multiple repositories that you want to extract data from organization (has priority over repos_exclude))
                                            # Each repo path should be space delimited.
                                            # Org prefix not allowed when organization is present
  include_archived: false                   # Optional: true/false to include archived repos. Default false
  include_disabled: false                   # Optional: true/false to include disabled repos. Default false
  max_rate_limit_wait_seconds: 600          # Optional: Max time to wait if you hit the github api limit. Default to 600s

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Destination (Target) - Target properties
# Connection details should be in the relevant target YAML file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
target: "snowflake"                       # ID of the target connector where the data will be loaded
batch_size_rows: 20000                    # Batch size for the stream to optimise load performance
stream_buffer_size: 0                     # In-memory buffer size (MB) between taps and targets for asynchronous data pipes
default_target_schema: "github"            # Target schema where the data will be loaded
#default_target_schema_select_permission:  # Optional: Grant SELECT on schema and tables that created
#  - grp_power
#batch_wait_limit_seconds: 3600            # Optional: Maximum time to wait for `batch_size_rows`. Available only for snowflake target.

# Options only for Snowflake target
#archive_load_files: False                      # Optional: when enabled, the files loaded to Snowflake will also be stored in `archive_load_files_s3_bucket`
#archive_load_files_s3_prefix: "archive"        # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in the archive S3 bucket under this prefix.
#archive_load_files_s3_bucket: "<BUCKET_NAME>"  # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in this bucket. (Default: the value of `s3_bucket` in target snowflake YAML)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source to target Schema mapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  - source_schema: "github"             # This is mandatory, but can be anything in this tap type
    target_schema: "github"             # Target schema in the destination Data Warehouse
    target_schema_select_permissions:   # Optional: Grant SELECT on schema and tables that created
      - grp_stats

    # List of Github tables to load into destination Data Warehouse
    # Tap-Github will use the best incremental strategies automatically to replicate data
      # Supported tables
      - table_name: "commits"
      - table_name: "commit_comments"
      - table_name: "pull_requests"
      - table_name: "pull_request_reviews"
      - table_name: "events"
      - table_name: "pr_commits"
      - table_name: "reviews"
      - table_name: "review_comments"
      - table_name: "comments"
      - table_name: "issues"
      - table_name: "issue_labels"
      - table_name: "issue_milestones"
      - table_name: "releases"
      - table_name: "assignees"
      - table_name: "collaborators"
      - table_name: "stargazers"

      # Additional supported tables
      #- table_name: "projects"
      #- table_name: "project_cards"
      #- table_name: "project_columns"
      #- table_name: "teams"
      #- table_name: "team_memberships"
      #- table_name: "team_members"

        # OPTIONAL: Load time transformations - you can add it to any table
        #  - column: "some_column_to_transform" # Column to transform
        #    type: "SET-NULL"                   # Transformation type