Tap Kafka
Messages from kafka topics are extracted into the following fields:
: Timestamp extracted from the kafka metadataMESSAGE_OFFSET
: Offset extracted from the kafka metadataMESSAGE_PARTITION
: Partition extracted from the kafka metadataMESSAGE
: The original and full kafka messageMESSAGE_KEY
: (Optional) Key extracted from the Kafka message.Dynamic primary key columns: (Optional) Fields extracted from the Kafka JSON messages by JSONPath selector(s).
Supported message formats: JSON and Protobuf (experimental).
Configuring what to replicate
PipelineWise configures every tap with a common structured YAML file format. A sample YAML for Kafka replication can be generated into a project directory by following the steps in the Generating Sample Pipelines section.
Example YAML for tap-kafka
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General Properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id: "kafka" # Unique identifier of the tap
name: "Kafka Topic with sample data" # Name of the tap
type: "tap-kafka" # !! THIS SHOULD NOT CHANGE !!
owner: "somebody@foo.com" # Data owner to contact
#send_alert: False # Optional: Disable all configured alerts on this tap
#slack_alert_channel: "#tap-channel" # Optional: Sending a copy of specific tap alerts to this slack channel
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source (Tap) - Kafka connection details
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
group_id: "myGroupId"
bootstrap_servers: "kafka1.foo.com:9092,kafka2.foo.com:9092,kafka3.foo.com:9092"
topic: "myKafkaTopic"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optionally you can define primary key(s) from the kafka JSON messages.
# If primary keys defined then extra column(s) will be added to the output
# singer stream with the extracted values by /slashed/paths ala XPath selectors.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
transfer_id: "/transferMetadata/transferId"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Additionally you can specify whether to use Kafka message key as a primary key.
# If custom primary keys were specified earlier, message key property is ignored
# and custom PKs are used instead.
# ! Message key should be a valid utf-8 encoded string.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
use_message_key: # (Default: true)
#initial_start_time: # (Default: latest) Start time reference of the message consumption if
# no bookmarked position in state.json. One of: latest, earliest or an
# ISO-8601 formatted timestamp string.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kafka Consumer optional parameters. Commented values are default values.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#max_runtime_ms: 300000 # The maximum time for the tap to collect new messages from Kafka topic.
#consumer_timeout_ms: 10000 # KafkaConsumer setting. Number of milliseconds to block during message iteration before raising StopIteration
#session_timeout_ms: 30000 # KafkaConsumer setting. The timeout used to detect failures when using Kafka’s group management facilities.
#heartbeat_interval_ms: 10000 # KafkaConsumer setting. The expected time in milliseconds between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka’s group management facilities.
#max_poll_interval_ms: 300000 # KafkaConsumer setting. The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management.
#commit_interval_ms: 5000 # Number of milliseconds between two commits. This is different than the kafka auto commit feature. Tap-kafka sends commit messages automatically but only when the data consumed successfully and persisted to local store.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protobuf support - Experimental
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#message_format: protobuf # (Default: json) Supported message formats are json and protobuf.
#proto_schema: | # Protobuf message format in .proto syntax. Required if the message_format is protobuf.
# syntax = "proto3";
# message ProtoMessage {
# string query = 1;
# int32 page_number = 2;
# int32 result_per_page = 3;
# }
#proto_classess_dir: # (Default: current working dir) Directory where to store runtime compiled proto classes
#debug_contexts: "" # comma separated list of debug contexts to enable for the consumer [see librkafka](https://github.com/confluentinc/librdkafka/blob/master/INTRODUCTION.md#debug-contexts)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Destination (Target) - Target properties
# Connection details should be in the relevant target YAML file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
target: "snowflake" # ID of the target connector where the data will be loaded
batch_size_rows: 20000 # Batch size for the stream to optimise load performance
stream_buffer_size: 0 # In-memory buffer size (MB) between taps and targets for asynchronous data pipes
default_target_schema: "kafka" # Target schema where the data will be loaded
default_target_schema_select_permission: # Optional: Grant SELECT on schema and tables that created
- grp_stats
#batch_wait_limit_seconds: 3600 # Optional: Maximum time to wait for `batch_size_rows`. Available only for snowflake target.
# Options only for Snowflake target
#archive_load_files: False # Optional: when enabled, the files loaded to Snowflake will also be stored in `archive_load_files_s3_bucket`
#archive_load_files_s3_prefix: "archive" # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in the archive S3 bucket under this prefix.
#archive_load_files_s3_bucket: "<BUCKET_NAME>" # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in this bucket. (Default: the value of `s3_bucket` in target snowflake YAML)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source to target Schema mapping
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- source_schema: "kafka" # This is mandatory, but can be anything in this tap type
target_schema: "kafka" # Target schema in the destination Data Warehouse
# Kafka topic to replicate into destination Data Warehouse
# You can load data only from one kafka topic in one YAML file.
# If you want load from multiple kafka topics, create another tap YAML similar to this file
- table_name: "my_kafka_topic" # target table name needs to match to the topic name in snake case format
# OPTIONAL: Load time transformations
# - column: "last_name" # Column to transform
# type: "SET-NULL" # Transformation type