Command Line Interface
PipelineWise’s command line interface allows for a number of operation types on a pipeline.
usage: pipelinewise [-h]
Positional Arguments
- subcommand:
Possible choices: init, run_tap, discover_tap, status, test_tap_connection, sync_tables, import_config, validate
Initialise and create a sample project. The project will contain sample YAML configuration for every supported tap and target connects.
Positional Arguments
- –name:
name of the project
Run a specific pipeline
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
- –extra_log:
Optional: Copy logging into PipelineWise logger to see tap run logs at runtime in STDOUT
Stop running a specific pipeline
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
Run a specific tap in discovery mode. Discovery mode is connecting to the data source and collecting information that is required for running the tap.
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
Prints a status summary table of every imported pipeline with their tap and target.
Test the tap connection. It will connect to the data source that is defined in the tap and will return success if it’s available.
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
Sync or resync one or more tables from a specific datasource. It performs an initial sync and resets the table bookmarks to their new location.
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
- –tables:
Optional: Comma separated list of tables to sync from the data source.
Import a project directory into PipelineWise. It will create every JSON file required for
the tap and target connectors into ~/.pipelinewise
- –dir:
relative path to the project directory to import
- –taps:
Optional: Comma seperated list of tap id’s to create.
Validates a project directory with YAML tap and target files.
- –dir:
relative path to the project directory with YAML taps and targets.
Reset state file for log based tables. It works only for PostgresSQL databases!
- –target:
Target connector id
- –tap:
Tap connector id
Environment variables
Configures the directory at which PipelineWise expects to find installed tap and targets.
Overrides the default directory at which PipelineWise expects to find configuration files generated by pipelinewise import.