.. image:: img/pipelinewise-with-text.png :width: 300 Documentation ============= PipelineWise is a Data Pipeline Framework using the `Singer.io `_ specification to ingest and replicate data from various sources to various destinations. .. image:: img/pipelinewise-diagram-circle-bold.png ------------ Features -------- - **Built with ELT in mind**: PipelineWise fits into the ELT landscape and is not a traditional ETL tool. PipelineWise aims to reproduce the data from the source to an Analytics-Data-Store in as close to the original format as possible. Some minor load time transformations are supported but complex mapping and joins have to be done in the Analytics-Data-Store to extract meaning. - **Lightweight**: No daemons or database setup are required - **Replication Methods**: Log-Based (CDC), Key-Based Incremental and Full Table snapshots - **Managed Schema Changes**: When source data changes, PipelineWise detects the change and alters the schema in your Analytics-Data-Store automatically - **Load time transformations**: Ideal place to obfuscate, mask or filter sensitive data that should never be replicated in the Data Warehouse - **YAML based configuration**: Data pipelines are defined as YAML files, ensuring that the entire configuration is kept under version control - **Extensible**: PipelineWise is using `Singer.io `_ compatible taps and target connectors. New connectors can be added to PipelineWise with relatively small effort Beyond the Horizon ------------------ PipelineWise is built on top of several `Singer.io `_ components. Singer.io components are responsible for certain tasks like extracting data from a specific data source or loading data into a specific destination, however to replicate data end to end you'll need an extra layer on top of these components to run the jobs, create configurations, select streams to replicate, do logging and more. This is where PipelineWise comes in place. PipelineWise is a collection of pre-selected singer taps and targets to add the required functionalities to create, run and maintain data pipelines in a production Data Warehouse environment without the extra hassle. Taps (Data Source Connectors) ----------------------------- :ref:`taps_list` Target (Destination Connectors) ------------------------------- :ref:`targets_list` Transformation at load time ------------------------------- :ref:`transformations` Content ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Installation installation_guide/installation installation_guide/creating_pipelines installation_guide/running_pipelines .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Concept concept/singer concept/replication_methods concept/fastsync concept/linux_pipes .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Using PipelineWise user_guide/yaml_config user_guide/encrypting_passwords user_guide/cli user_guide/scheduling user_guide/metadata_columns user_guide/schema_changes user_guide/transformations user_guide/logging user_guide/alerts user_guide/resync user_guide/partial_sync .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Connectors connectors/taps connectors/targets .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Project project/contribution project/about project/licenses Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`