.. _tap-salesforce: Tap Salesforce -------------- Connecting to Salesforce '''''''''''''''''''''''' .. warning:: This section of the documentation is work in progress. Configuring what to replicate ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' PipelineWise configures every tap with a common structured YAML file format. A sample YAML for Salesforce replication can be generated into a project directory by following the steps in the :ref:`generating_pipelines` section. Example YAML for tap-salesforce: .. code-block:: yaml --- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # General Properties # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ id: "salesforce" # Unique identifier of the tap name: "Sample data on Salesforce" # Name of the tap type: "tap-salesforce" # !! THIS SHOULD NOT CHANGE !! owner: "somebody@foo.com" # Data owner to contact #send_alert: False # Optional: Disable all configured alerts on this tap #slack_alert_channel: "#tap-channel" # Optional: Sending a copy of specific tap alerts to this slack channel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Source (Tap) - Salesforce connection details # # The client_id and client_secret keys are your OAuth Salesforce App secrets. # The refresh_token is a secret created during the OAuth flow. For more info on # the Salesforce OAuth flow, visit the Salesforce documentation at # https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_understanding_web_server_oauth_flow.htm # # api_type to use extracting data from Snowflake. This can be BULK or REST. # Further details about API types at https://www.stitchdata.com/docs/integrations/saas/salesforce#bulk-vs-rest-api # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ db_conn: client_id: "" # Salesforce Client ID client_secret: "" # Salesforce Client Secret refresh_token: "" # Optional: When `archive_load_files` is enabled, the archived files will be placed in this bucket. (Default: the value of `s3_bucket` in target snowflake YAML) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Source to target Schema mapping # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ schemas: - source_schema: "salesforce" # This is mandatory, but can be anything in this tap type target_schema: "salesforce" # Target schema in the destination Data Warehouse # List of Salesforce tables to replicate into destination Data Warehouse # Tap-Salesforce will use the best incremental strategies automatically to replicate data # # Tap-Salesforce currently supports the replication of the majority of Salesforce objects, # with the exception of those listed in the Unsupported Objects row of this table at # https://www.stitchdata.com/docs/integrations/saas/salesforce#bulk-vs-rest-api # # # This section will only cover a few of the most popular tables Salesforce integration offers. # See the Salesforce Object Reference guide for info on objects not listed here, including the # fields available in each object at https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/object_reference.pdf tables: - table_name: "Account" - table_name: "Contact" - table_name: "Lead" - table_name: "Opportunity" - table_name: "User" # OPTIONAL: Load time transformations #transformations: # - column: "last_name" # Column to transform # type: "SET-NULL" # Transformation type